Thee Angel Project

A year of writing a little bit of everything. Writers Write, Right?

i have an idea…


The world of link-ups and all that those entail can be, shall we say, exhausting. If you’ve stepped your toe into the midst of that madness you know what I am talking about.
Today I want to propose a different kind of link-up.

A Linky Party of a Different Kind

I am looking for 10 Christian bloggers. Your faith does not need to be the focus of your blog. You don’t even have to write about it at all. I think for this idea to work well though, we must have this one thing in common. It’s a pretty big deal for me and I am sure it is for you too.

I am looking for 10 women who might know someone that will join them in this endeavor. Ideally, it would be someone you know in person, but if none of your real life friends blog, (I only have one that does) it can be a friend you met through blogging, or just someone who you want to invite because their blog is awesome. I will be bringing my friend, Julie. Yea! I am hoping to get 20 participants total, but not more than that so that getting to know one another it isn’t too overwhelming.

Here’s how this thing, (whatever it is, I don’t have a name for it yet, but will soon) this idea will work…

On the 20th of this month I will post a linky (using some linky tool that I have yet to figure out, but will by the 20th…that is my pledge to you!) with links to each participating blog. You don’t have to do a thing! Just come back here on the 20th to see who is participating.

Please commit to visiting and leaving a kind word at at least three of your fellow participants’ sites each day. You may always comment more if you would like, and if you need to take a sick day or a family day and not do any blogging at all, please do! But, commit to reading about three blogs per day on average. This should not be a second job for you and should in no way take time away from your family. 15 minutes a day, max!

This commitment will be for the next 30 days, until August 20th, at which time…honestly, I don’t really know. I haven’t decided what I’ll suggest at that point. I want to see how this first month goes first.

If you want to continue to linky it up elsewhere during this time, I would absolutely encourage you to do so. This will be a place to try to develop relationships with a small group of bloggers, to spend a month visiting and getting to know these 20 women. There are no other strings attached. No following, no grabbing of buttons, no Facebook frenzy, no sharing is caring…(unless of course you actually want to.)

Think about it. Pray about it. Then, if you want to join me, leave a comment with a link to your blog and maybe a little bit about you, (just two or three sentences) how many times a week you generally post (just to give us an idea) and then have the blogger you are bringing with you do the same! If you have no idea who to bring though, don’t let that stop you. Sign up anyway! I’ll take the first twenty participants.

I am excited to get to know each one of you!


Author: Heather

I want you to see life the way I see it. Often contradictory, seldom predictable, many times lovely, occasionally tragic, but every day filled with God's grace.

44 thoughts on “i have an idea…

  1. What a wonderful idea that sooo struck my heart and what I have been desiring. I am really looking forward to this new way of linking up and getting to know a community of bloggers! Thanks for letting me know about this and for creating a way for a group of blogging women to get to know one another. I’m Natalie Cleckner, but most call me Nat! I love Jesus, my husband, my family and friends. I think conversation is best around the table. I love to decorate, craft, and sip on a vanilla chai tea latte while reading a good book. I post 4-5 times a week at

    • Yea Nat! I am so glad you will be able to join you and cannot wait to get to know you! Looking forward to reading through your blog throughout the next month and maybe even finding time for a sneak peek this weekend! Welcome!

  2. I’m Julie… Heather’s pal! I’m a farm wife, farm mom, mother of 3 girls and blog about on average 2 -4 times per week. Looking forward to meeting some new friends in Christ and letting our hair down for some blog party fun! 🙂

  3. What a wonderful idea. I can’t picture how it will work, but I’m in. I want to get to know other bloggers too. I blog at I have a passion for the “Ninety-Nine” or those of us who are in the beautiful place of His pasture to grow, mature and live for the Good Shepherd. I write to encourage everyone in the LORD from the Secret Place in Whispered Words of Wisdom. On a personal note I am almost 60 with over 40 years as a Ninety Nine, retired from the Army, married to the love of my life with two adopted adult children, two border collies and one lovable grand dog – I also live under the shadow of Mickey Mouse – Orlando Florida.

    • Excellent introduction! All of it makes me smile! Chris it is so nice to meet you. I am thrilled to have you as part of the group and cannot wait to get to know you! Welcome!

  4. thanks for the opportunity- what a great idea- I am a fairly new blogger and said I would be in till it wasn’t fun any more…met many wonderful believers who are passionate about growing the community that seeks to serve Jesus creatively and to make Him known…I usually blog 2-4 times a week ( had a Lenten incentive that was more) I’m a mom to 3 adult married daughters, and my first grandson is just three months old. Married to my long-time friend. Live in Northern Virginia outside of Washington D.C. I blog at

    • Connie welcome! I am excited to get to know you better and to have a fellow pastor’s wife in the group. Making Jesus known. Yes! I look forward to reading more from you!

  5. Hi, I’m Marifaith and I would like to try out this opportunity as well! I’ve kept a blog sporadically but recently started it again with the hopes of making it a more continuous project. I blog about twice a week, but am hoping this will encourage me to do more of it! I am a pastor’s wife of six years (we just celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary) and I just turned the big 3-0 two days ago. I have a 2 1/2 year old rambunctious little boy (Ephraim) and a child who beat me to heaven (Shiloh). We are currently expecting our 3rd (almost 21 weeks), but have kept it quiet on FB and on my blog due to our previous loss. I love Jesus, my best friend who I am incredibly blessed to call my husband, swimming, teaching, triathlons, sewing, reading (when I have the time!), wine 🙂 (obviously not at the moment!), and am recently getting into essential oils and learning/experimenting about their uses. I grew up in California, but now live in upper Central Illinois. And I’m sorry, but I don’t know anyone else really that blogs so it’s just me! My blog is

    • Marifaith, thank you so much for sharing a bit of your heart with us already! Ephriam, Shiloh, what beautiful names. I do especially love Shiloh, the place where God met with His people. Fitting. Prayers for peace and joy and health in this pregnancy. No worries about coming on your own and certainly no need to apologize. Welcome!

  6. Heather, I’m in! Emily (

    and bringing my friend Angie

    • Yea! Emily, I have visited your blog a few times 🙂 and am thrilled that you will be joining us! I’m looking forward to reading more and to meeting Angie. Thank you for bringing a friend! Welcome ladies!

      • Hi Ladies! I am Angie. Still new to blogging and recently suffering from scrambled thoughts, consequently leading to no new posts in 6 months, gulp! I am a wife, mother to two young girls and two adult boys and work full time outside of my home. I love Jesus and writing and chocolate! Looking forward to linking up with everyone and finding my inspiration again!

      • Angie welcome! There is no better reason to start blogging again than the relentless peer pressure of new friends! I am thrilled you are joining us and that you are willing to step out on a limb with me. Jesus, writing, and chocolate? Sounds like perfection to me!

  7. That’s a wonderful idea! I would love to participate. “We can’t do life alone”, and sometimes its just a short pick me up from someone to make our whole day!

  8. I like this idea! My name is Crystal and I blog over at I am a stay at home mom to two growing girls ages 8 and 10. I was blogging 5 times a week but I just cut it back to 3 days. My life has been going through a lot of changes these past few months which is why I started the blog and I’ve learned that 5 days was just too much. I can commit to dropping in Monday-Friday. I may drop by others blogs on the weekend but I try to stay away from the blogging world as much as possible. If that is acceptable, I’d love to join in and get to know you all!

    • I greatly appreciate the fact that you have set some guidelines for yourself and your family! I am looking forward to getting to know you and hearing about your growing girls. I have and 8 and a 10 year old too. I can’t wait to read how you work to be content on your side of the fence. Welcome Crystal!

  9. Hi there, I’m Jill and I have a blog, I share DIY ideas for the home and for kids and I also share healthy recipes. With a newborn and 2 small kids, I never run out of inspiration 🙂 I blog about once a week. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all! Thanks!

    • Welcome Jill! I’m gonna need some good DIY inspiration come fall. I can’t wait to see what you have to show us and to read all about your littles! So glad you will be joining us!

  10. Hi Heather – can I join in? I would love this – the link up world is madness and I just love getting to know people. I live in South Africa and just found your blog today – please email me and tell me how this is going to work and if I can still join thanks! Aliyah (

    • Aliyah, yes! We would love to have you! I will drop you a note via e-mail sometime tonight…tomorrow? I’m not sure what the time difference is between U.S. central and South Africa. 🙂 The Warrior and the Flower is quite intriguing and I look forward to getting to know you!

  11. I would love to take part in something like this! My site is Let me know more details please! 🙂

    • Michelle, just come back here on the 20th of this month. I’ll have a post with links to all of the participating bloggers’ sites. Read and comment as you wish making sure to visit about three group members sites per day…on average. No pressure, no rules, just time concentrated on getting to know a smaller group of people in the overwhelmingly huge stratosphere of blogs. Welcome! We’re glad you’re here!

  12. I think that’s a great idea to know other christian bloggers! I would like to be part of and to visit other blog and leave them comments. I blog an average of two to three post each week, mostly three. I started to blog in March so I’m still taking baby steps blogging. My blog is thanks for the opportunity. God bless you. 😊

    • Priscila, I’m so glad to have you join us! I’ve been at this blogging thing for two years and still feel like a baby blogger myself. I look forward to reading all about your unfading beauty! Welcome!

  13. Hey there! This is certainly an interesting concept… good luck to you! 😉

    I am enjoying reading about you all! Here is a little about me:
    Born and raised in Australia, married to an American missionary, trained as a Fitness Instructor, living in Singapore and learning how to live a healthy and balanced life wherever I go! I love to talk about my faith, family, food and fitness almost incessantly–these are my passions in life. It has been told me that at least half of all the conversations I engage in are about food… which is probably true. I blog primarily to promote living a biblically balanced life.

    • As I sit here wondering whether or not I have completely messed up trying to bake the chicken I need for tonight’s supper, I am thrilled with half of my conversations being about food. I have so much to learn! Oi Chantelle, your blog is beautiful and I cannot wait to read more! Welcome!

      • Thank you for the compliment Heather! You flatter me, ha ha–I also have a lot to learn! I make a lot of mistakes in trying to create my own recipes– but I get such a joy out of the journey! It’s a good thing I have such a patient husband! 😉

      • Love it! I’m still giggling about another mistake I made for tonight’s dinner prep. I’ll be sharing it tomorrow. I love that you are brave enough to create your own recipes. I am not even close to being there…someday!

  14. Is there still room to join? I love this idea and this concept. I don’t have any one to bring with me, but I would love to be a part of this great idea. My name is Kristy and I blog at Seven Graces ( I blog about my family, my faith, and mama finds (shopping). I also have a series going on right now to help new mamas (pregnancy-the first year with baby). When I started my blog, I had no idea where it would take me. I just knew it was a passion that I felt God stirring up in my heart. You can read all about it in my very first post ever. I’m glad I found your blog through you leaving a comment on mine! 🙂 looking forward to getting to know others, too.

    • There is still room! Welcome Kristy! Who doesn’t love a good mama find! I’ll be by shortly to dig through that very first post. I am no where near being a new mom, but have learned that every pregnancy is different and especially for first times moms it is so beneficial to have encouraging information and compassionate ears. I am thrilled you will be joining us!

  15. It’s a great idea. Thanks for sharing with the Let’s Get Real party.

  16. I’d like to participate in this. I’m a mom of five blogging in Nashville, TN. I’d like to get to know a group of bloggers better and found you through the Shine Blog Hop.

    • Marie, I am glad you will be joining us! I’m a mom of five as well. Looking forward to reading about your crew. I’ve just glanced at your blueberry post and am jealous of the opportunity to pick fruit, any fruit with your family. We have no place to do that in the area in which we live. Guess I’ll just live vicariously. 🙂 Welcome! I’m so excited you’re here!

  17. I’d like to join! I don’t have anyone to bring with me, but I’m excited to participate in this unique experience. My blog is called My Salt, His Light (, and its basically a place where I share my personal journey — what I refer to as my dash of salt and my single ray of light on this earth — and I pray that God will use me to inspire others through this blogging platform. I’m a Wife and Mother of a blended family (3 children), a full-time Marketing & PR executive, a Sunday School teacher, and I love all things natural & holistic. I’m a bit of a newbie blogger – been at this for about 5 months now, and average about 3-4 posts per month. I think this would be a great way to meet new people, share tips & ideas, and encourage one another. Count me in!! (if there is still room for me of course 🙂 )

    • Tiffany, there is still room! My Salt, His Light…sounds lovely. I look forward to reading more about you and will be stopping by in the next couple days as I prepare Sunday’s post where I will be introducing everyone to one another. So glad you are joining us! Welcome!

  18. I actually just posted a comment a few minutes ago from “firstantiochchurch” by accident! I was logged in under my church’s WordPress account (I had been editing the website) and I forgot to log out and log back in as me! Oops! 🙂 Anyway, I am Tiffany from My Salt, His Light ( I’m a Wife, Mother, and newbie blogger. If there is still room, I’d love to join!

  19. What a lovely idea. I’m interested in seeing how it will play out (and will be watching closely with keen interest)! I’m not ready to particpate at this point in time but I will pray and maybe during another month. I sincerely believe in building relationships rather than just numbers through blogging… so this sounds perfect.

    Thanks so much for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.


    • Thank you Jennifer! I’m interested to see how it works out too. We have an awesome group of bloggers this time around and I’m so excited to get started. Blessings on your weekend as well!

  20. Great idea! Best wishes and thank you for joining us at Make A Difference Mondays!

your comments are better than eating chocolate in a hammock on a 70 degree day...almost