Thee Angel Project

A year of writing a little bit of everything. Writers Write, Right?

about this blog…

This is my quest to become a better writer.

To maybe say something that will impact you.

To share me.

This is my chance to put something down on paper each day.

But here’s the thing.

I want my words to stand completely on their own.

To see if that’s even possible.

No sponsors.

No promotions.

No giveaways.

Just you.

Sharing what you love.

Letting me know what you don’t.

It’s always a work in progress.

Aren’t we all?

I hope you’ll come along for the ride.

I hope you’ll share you.



10 thoughts on “about this blog…

  1. sponsors… promotions… giveaways… those things wear me out!

    here’s to honing our craft without getting overwhelmed in all the clamoring to be heard and known and seen… all the gimmiky stuff that is!

  2. I couldn’t agree more with you on avoiding the sponsors, giveaways, etc. I too chose to blog simply to write and share “me”. Looking forward to exploring your writings over the next 30 days! Thanks again for organizing the link up. So much better than the typical link up, which ends up being just a list of hundreds of posts – where your post may get read by only your neighboring linkers. This is a chance to spark dialogue and share your writing in a more meaningful way. Great idea!

    • Tiffany, I am thrilled you are joining us! I am hoping to be able to dig a little deeper into each of the blogs that just the daily posts. Looking forward to getting to know you too! Thanks for being here!

  3. Heather, I wanted to ask you a question but can’t find a way to message you. Can you drop me a message?

  4. Heather. I woke up thinking about you today. I would like to get to know you better. Please contact me.

  5. Hello Heather! I love following your blog. You inspire me to work to become closer with God, so thank you! I have nominated you for The Liebster Award, if you are interested! It would be fun to learn more about you. 🙂

your comments are better than eating chocolate in a hammock on a 70 degree day...almost