Thee Angel Project

A year of writing a little bit of everything. Writers Write, Right?

where two or three are gathered


Good Morning Friends! I’m so excited for today! I’ve been waiting and preparing for your return and I am thrilled with all of the possibilities that this next month has in store for us!

First, I’ll tell you about the name of our group, and then I’d like to introduce you to some lovely children of God.

The book of Matthew is filled from cover to cover with the enchanting true story of Jesus and His work for our salvation. We have been walking through it on Sunday mornings in Bible study and are currently right in the midst of chapter 7. It’s one of my new favorite sections of scripture. Really, a treasure trove. But if you continue reading, eventually you’ll come upon chapter 18 and these words, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

Now, I would imagine as women from all across the United States and 3 different countries, we will probably never have the opportunity to sit and chat together in the same room. I know though that God is a God who transcends space and time and so even if we only ever gather in one another’s blogging homes, God is bound to be there with us.


Welcome to this first month of Where Two or Three are Gathered!

As you take time each day, (or most days) to earnestly read, visit with, and perhaps even pray for one another, remember if you would please, this one rule:
Speak words of kindness and compassion, words of encouragement and ones that inspire growth, words of truth only spoken in love. Basically, stick to words that you wouldn’t hesitate to say right to your most beloved grandmother’s face.

You should see the women joining you today! Perhaps you have already strolled through the comments of the idea post and taken a peek. But, oh these women! I have just dipped a toe into the depths of all they have to offer and I cannot wait to dive in completely!

You’ll find within this group, women who…

  • are gifted in crafting and cooking.
  • are teachers, pastor’s wives, farmers, writers, missionaries, students, grandmothers, mothers, wives, all in service to God.
  • share their mistakes and their triumphs, their humorous tales and their heartfelt losses, their faith and those times when they struggle in faith.
  • share their own stories and provide a platform for others to do the same.
  • are poetic.
  • love coffee and chocolate.
  • were hurt and are now healed.
  • know that their Redeemer lives.

In this group you’ll find women of faith. My heart swells just thinking about it!

You’ll find a link to each member’s site below. I’ve also set up a Pinterest page for us. If that makes it easier to find each of the ladies in the group, feel free to repin till your heart’s content. If you would just check in with me below in a comment to let me know you found your way back here today, that would be great. Also, would you tell me whether or not you are on Facebook. If everyone has an account, I’ll set up a page for us there as well. If not, no need to worry. The links will all be here for us all month long.

Remember, you don’t have to follow, share, tweet, pin…etc. unless you really do want to. But please do visit and get to know one another!

Also, as of this morning, there were still two spots available. If you know someone who missed out on signing up, they can still do that today! If you are new to this site and wondering what in the world I’m talking about, slip over to the idea post before signing up!

And now, may I introduce you to some amazing new friends…

Author: Heather

I want you to see life the way I see it. Often contradictory, seldom predictable, many times lovely, occasionally tragic, but every day filled with God's grace.

22 thoughts on “where two or three are gathered

  1. I’m here and yes to Facebook!

    This is such a great idea!

  2. Thanks Heather for putting this all together! I look forward to meeting and getting to know more bloggers and sharing our lives and uplifting one another! God bless you and all the one here ! 🙂

  3. I’m here and on fb as well. I’m so looking forward to taking part in this and getting to know other women of faith!

  4. Thanks for putting this together! I’m on Facebook under Normal Everyday Life. Looking forward to getting to know you all!

  5. I’m here! I am really looking forward to visiting each of you and taking part in this! I am not on FB though but please do what works for the majority

  6. Yay! I am here and so excited to start visiting all the blogs and getting to know everyone! I am on FB as Natalie Hall Cleckner. Thanks, Heather, for setting this up. 🙂

  7. Woops, I was on the wrong site when I posted that comment…hopefully this one will come up correct as my name and Unpacking the Boxes!

  8. thanks for getting this started- I am pretty new at this sort of connecting- but willing to learn!

  9. Hi Heather! Thanks for the reminder! I’ll be visiting some other blogs from the group today and checking the pinterest when I have some time. Facebook has been time consuming so I try to keep my account deactivated. Thanks for the opportunity. Have a blessed day! Priscila.

  10. Hi there!! Thank you for organizing! I’m heading over to check out everyones pages!! yes, i’m on Facebook

  11. I’m here! Im on Fb as GraceandGravy with a side of life! I am going to find everyone!

  12. I’m here Heather! Thanks for putting this together. I am also on facebook, both personally and for the blog at Living In Green Grass. I look forward to the group and getting to know everyone.

  13. Awesome! Found my way back. 🙂 I do have a Facebook page for my blog with the same title, Seven Graces. Glad to be part of this linkup! Will we need to come back each week to post something new?

    • No need to post here. Just write as you normally would for your own site. Tour and visit the other ladies often. Make a few new friends along the way. Be inspired. Encourage on another. Enjoy!

  14. Hi everyone, I’m here! Facebook is a great idea. I just participated in a 30 day (in)courage blog group on Facebook and it was nice to have a little corner of FB all to ourselves to chat. I have the next few hours free, so I plan on visiting everyone’s blog and at least following for today. Thanks Heather for setting this up. I’m excited and looking forward to getting to know everyone!

  15. Reblogged this on GraceandGravy with a side of life! and commented:
    I want to introduce you to an amazing idea my friend Heather has put together. Where two or three is gathered, is a way to connect and inspire others with love, encouragement and kindness. If your interested please comment to her directly!

  16. My sweet precious friend, I am so honored you added me to this wonderful group of women. I am going to visit you guys often. Thank you, Heather and I am on Facebook (I have a Facebook for my blog but I don’t use it because it got hacked).

your comments are better than eating chocolate in a hammock on a 70 degree day...almost