Thee Angel Project

A year of writing a little bit of everything. Writers Write, Right?

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for the love

Every year. Every. Single. Year.

This is serious stuff. Serious enough for me to navigate the changes in WordPress and actually write a post.

Every single year they are on the store shelves, and each year they drive me a little more crazy. Just ask my husband. I rant about this every year. Not because they are inherently bad, but I think the idea behind them just makes me squirm a little. I think it’s about the ease of it all. The not needing to think or plan or anticipate. The idea that all children need is big and glittery and a little sugary, oh and also breakable, and in no way shape or form lasting.

For the love of all that is good and right and yes, salutary…
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT buy your children cellophane wrapped Easter baskets this year!

Buy eggs, buy a little treat. Buy a game to play with them and a book to read with them. Buy them a new outfit. Write them a poem. Hide their basket and help them search for it.

Leave their basket empty as a reminder of the empty tomb and DO this instead. Seriously, do it!

You have six days. Mom, Dad, you can do better.