Thee Angel Project

A year of writing a little bit of everything. Writers Write, Right?

write them on the doorframes of your houses


If you came into my home and asked my husband about his favorite Bible verses, well, you may as well sit down and have a muffin and a cup of coffee…or two because you will be here a while. But most assuredly, Deuteronomy chapter 6 will come up.

He specifically loves these verses, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” I can see him signaling with his hands and I can hear the inflection in his voice even as I write this. I’ve heard it so many times.

In our society we have an almost unlimited access to God’s word. So much so in fact that many of us take it for granted. Right here, me too. Chief of sinners. Now, I am not into end of the world prophecy. I know that we are living in the end times simply because Jesus said it. He is coming soon. I’m also not into speaking poorly of our government. I do know that there are many many things they can do better. I can too. But that being said, I can envision a time to come when the reading of God’s word is just not possible and the speaking of His name is prohibited. The thought makes me anxious and worried and all of the things that Jesus tells me I need not be. But too often I am anyway.

The people of Moses’ time didn’t have the written word with them. No one did. And so, God’s word, His works and His ways and His promises were passed on from generation to generation by doing just what is spoken of in Deuteronomy 6. Children knew the Lord because their fathers would speak of Him as they walked along the road, as they lie down, and as they got up. God’s goodness and faithfulness to all generations was actually written on frontlets and bound to their foreheads.

And His word was written on the doorframes of their houses.

So I too will write His words of love and hope and majesty all over my home in the hopes that I might know Him in the very depths of my soul and that my children might know Him too. Not out of fear, but because His beautiful, intricately woven word invites me to do so.

This weekend a dear friend brought me something for my home. It’s something I asked her to make and she lovingly agreed. (And hey, it’s 45 whole words shorter than the longest verse in the Bible.)


Start at the bottom and work your way up.

It’s lovely and I get all warm and fuzzy just looking at it. The best part is though, it’s written upon my heart, and before I know it it will be written upon my children’s hearts too.

What words from His Word line the walls of your home?

Author: Heather

I want you to see life the way I see it. Often contradictory, seldom predictable, many times lovely, occasionally tragic, but every day filled with God's grace.

25 thoughts on “write them on the doorframes of your houses

  1. one of my favorite verses also- we printed it out on card stock – clipped it to clipboards and gave it to families at Keep the Faith gatherings at our church- easy to change out- His Word for our eyes and our hearts- the site to download here-

  2. It’s lovely. I’m so glad you thought of this and the verse is lovely, even if long! 🙂 haha I will be sending people to see your work, as I too have a post about this upcoming! 🙂 God is Good – All the Time!

  3. LOVE your steps! What a neat idea. I have Psalm 19:14 (“Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”) painted on a pallet that used to be in our house, but I recently moved it to our back deck because that is where most of our time has been spent! Also, in our coffee bar area we have part of Psalm 23:5, “My cup overflows with your blessings.”

  4. I love this! Your steps look awesome. How wonderful for your children to walk up those steps every day as the verse continues to sink into them. I’ve just started putting verses around my house in the past couple of years. It has really made a difference keeping me focused :).

    • Keeping us focused…yes! It is both a reminder and hopefully too an encouragement to be in His word, in that big solid book, on a daily basis as well. Thank you Candace!

  5. Such a smart and cute idea to memorize the word! I don’t have stairs in my home. I live in a apt but we we do have several bible verses picture frames in our walls. I love having the word all over my walls. One of my favorites is a big wood frame from P Graham Dunn(this company makes the most beautiful wooden frames art walls) with an eagle flying over a forest with the verses of Isaiah 40:31; I also have another from the same company with beautiful red tulip flowers and the Psalm 100:2

    • We haven’t had stairs like these in any of the homes we have lived in previously, so I’m taking full advantage of this opportunity! Isaiah 40:31 is a great verse to know by heart, and “Serve the Lord with gladness,” can’t go wrong with those words either. (Not that you could go wrong with any of His words.) 🙂 Sounds lovely!

  6. Hello, This is such a great idea! I live in a ranch style house so it will not work for me, but I love this! Your Blog post was really interesting, I enjoyed it very much! I was just saying some of those very same things as I was speaking to the Lord last night!
    I feel this was meant for me! Thank you…
    Blessings, Shalom. Roxy

    • Roxy, I’m glad you stopped by! I’m happy to hear it was meaningful to you. His word is full of so many good promises! If only my brain could hold them all. Blessings on your day!

  7. What a cool idea for the stairs! LOVE it! ❤

  8. Oh I LOVE this idea!! …and I love that verse. ❤

  9. Love, love, love! I love having Scripture in my home. God said that His Word wouldn’t return empty so it speaks to everyone who enters — even if they don’t realize it. I read your steps and thought, “Oh, how I love thy law, thy law is truth.” ~Pamela

  10. I really love the steps!!! 🙂

  11. Oh wow! I adore this idea. Our home is divided when it comes to faith but when I saw this I immediately felt confident that there will be a time when I will be able to paint the steps of my stairwell.

    Blessings to you!

    Thank you for sharing this scripture (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    I hope you’re having a lovely weekend.

  12. Lovely idea. Thanks for sharing with What You Wish Wednesday!!!

  13. Thanks for linking this up at The Wednesday Roundup last week! It was tied for the most clicked thru post! Congrats you are a featured blogger today!

your comments are better than eating chocolate in a hammock on a 70 degree day...almost